3 EASY ways to promote your site!

Do you want to drive your website visitors to a specific area of your site? Do you have a promotion running or want to encourage customers to sign up to your newsletter? Here are a few simple ways to do this without enlisting the help of a website designer:

  1. Add an announcement bar

    This is a great and easy way to announce a promotion or free shipping or a new product launch. From the main menu go to MARKETING > ANNOUNCEMENT BAR and the enable/disable and add the text you want plus a link. Easy! You can even style the colour and font in the DESIGN > SITE STYLES section!

  2. Add a pop up

    Tell people about a promotion or discount or add a newsletter sign up on a pop up which appears when people click onto your site. From the main menu go to MARKETING > PROMOTION POP-UP and start populating the fields with your text, your call to action and have a play with your styling. Just remember to turn it on! If you have a newsletter set up you can connect various applications to Squarespace so you can directly populate an existing mailing list - clever!

  3. Add a call to action button to your banner

    You have a beautiful banner image on your website but why not work it work a bit harder? Adding a button directing people to your shop or booking page is a great way to engage people immediately. To add simply hover over the banner image and click ‘EDIT’. You should then see dots appear - if you click on these a ‘block’ menu should appear. Select ‘Button’ and away you go! Type in what you want the button to say, how big you want it and where you want it to go to in the link section - you can even add external links or email addresses!

These are just three ideas which are relatively straighforward to implement. For more info please get in touch!