Working from Home & Website Design

In this unprecedented and difficult time where so much is unknown, it’s hard to feel motivated - especially if you’ve had to scale back or, worse still, close your business.

There is, however, one huge part of your business still visible: your website!! This is the time to focus on your site. Whether it’s a brand new design or a quick refresh, how can you improve your website and make it more accessible to your clients - both existing and potential.

Here is a quick overview of some key things to consider when thinking about your the design and functionality of your website:

  1. Does the design reflect your brand and ultimately your business strategy?

  2. Is the content directed and keyword rich?

  3. Does the navigation work for visitors - can customers find what they need and quickly?

  4. Can you make money online? Even if you aren’t a retailer selling physical products, could you make your services available online and on your website?

  5. Quick, simple housekeeping: are your contact details correct? Could you add a Google map? Do all the links work? Are you social media links on there?

The scope and possibilities are endless. Use this time in a positive way and optimise your website. Before home-schooling starts and you literally have no time ever!!!

Charlie xx