How to refresh your Instagram feed on your website

I keep noticing this more and more so here is a quick five step guide to fixing this issue yourself:

  1. When logged into your website in the grey panel on the left hand side go to SETTINGS > CONNECTED ACCOUNTS

  2. Under your instagram account in red it should say “Unauthorized. Remove or reauthenticate this account for continued usage”. You will see that “reauthenticate” is hyperlinked - click it and your instagram account will appear in a pop up window and prompt you to login if you’re not already.

  3. Your page will reload and it should now say “Pull Enabled” under your Instagram account. Click on the account and in the Instagram Settings pop up, make sure “download data” is checked and click on “RESET DATA”.

  4. Now go to your instagram block on your website (it’s usually near the bottom of your homepage), click “EDIT” to edit the page or section and then click “EDIT” again on the Instagram block. Re-select your account from the drop down menu and click save.

  5. Reload your page and it should update with your latest Instagram posts.

Please let me know if you have any questions!